Personal development

How to keep learning while working, Part 3: The learning tax approach

While searching for an approach to keep learning while working, I got the idea of charging my employer a learning tax to get better at serving them. In this article, I share how this approach helped me to keep learning on the job.


How to keep learning while working, Part 2: What experienced people taught me about learning on the job!

How do you find time to keep getting better at your job while still giving enough quality time to your friends and family? That was the question I asked experienced people around me. In this article, I share the answers I got which were both insightful and unexpected and shaped my approach to learning on the job.


How to keep learning while working, Part 1: It's hard when you have a life.

As professionals, we are expected to keep learning and adapt to the ever-changing needs of our environment and organizations. But with our work day already spent entirely on our regular duties, how can we find the time, energy and focus required to learn new things while still maintaining a semblance of work life balance ?
